October 23rd, 2015
Coalition to Save Local Businesses: Policy changes should in fact go through Congress
Coalition to Save Local Businesses Executive Director Michael Layman responded recent comments and reiterated that policy changes should in fact go through Congress and not the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB):
“These comments show how misguided policy makers are about franchising and all small businesses operating in the modern day service sector economy, which creates opportunities for all Americans. No franchisee wants their franchisor to be liable for their employees, and we challenge any policy maker to find one. Furthermore, a half dozen franchisees and other small contractors and home builders have testified under oath before congress about the risk the new joint employer standard poses to the future viability of franchising as a vehicle for small business ownership.”
“The NLRB has enacted a new joint employer standard impacting family owned franchises in every community in America without congressional approval. Franchise business owners didn’t pick this fight; the NLRB has changed the rules in the middle of the game for thousands of franchise owners.
“These riders simply restore a long held standard that franchises and small businesses relied upon and enabled our industry to be successful. If policy makers want to change the law, they should support these policies, they should run them through congress, not through the regulatory process.”