Media Franchising Can Expand and Deepen Opportunity in Minority Communities

By Rep. Bobby Rush (IL) and Howard James |Good news just in from the U.S. Census Bureau – minority incomes are up. In fact, African-American and Hispanic households saw more than double the median income growth of their white counterparts from 2015 through 2016, according to…

Southern Christian Leadership Conference: Support H.R. 3441, the Save Local Business Act

Dear Members of the U.S. House of Representatives: More than 8 years after the Great Recession, many individuals and families throughout the country continue to struggle economically. While we continue to look forward, we need policies that promote growth, fuel our entrepreneurial spirit, and build wealth within our communities. This…

The Hill: Congress must pass the Save Local Business Act to provide clarity on the joint employer issue

The Hill | By Robert Cresanti, Katherine Lugar, and Chip Rogers | 9/15/2017 More and more, it’s becoming clear that changing the joint employer standard that so many have relied on for decades makes no sense. The numbers simply don’t add up. Just this week, the American Action Forum…