
NLRB Decision in Miller & Anderson Case Continues Trend of Dismantling Locally Owned Businesses


Coalition to Save Local Businesses Executive Director Michael Layman released the statement below after the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) released its decision in Miller & Anderson, Inc.:

“In issuing its Miller & Anderson decision, the NLRB has once again demonstrated its intent to manufacture new, harmful joint employment policy at the expense of Main Street businesses. Despite the NLRB majority’s deceptive claims, this decision is not a return to a legal regime that ever existed; it is merely another invention by the NLRB of increased joint employment liability that is costing locally owned businesses.

“Piece by piece, we are seeing from this Board try to dismantle modern day business, all but ensuring that family-owned businesses will fade away and be replaced by big corporations in communities across America. We need Congress to act and provide some certainty to small business owners that the NLRB will not be permitted to continue making operating a local business worse by the day.”


The Coalition to Save Local Businesses represents thousands of local businesses and millions of American jobs through its membership and partner organizations. The coalition’s goal is to inform Members of Congress and others about the negative consequences decisions by the National Labor Relations Board to expand the definition of who can be held as a joint employer would have on local businesses and their employees across the country. The coalition is asking Congress to support legislation that would make permanent the long-standing and widely accepted definition of joint employer.

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